Live in harmony 
with plants.

Botanical Lifestyle.

【BOTANIST = An expert in the
scientific study of plants.】
Amidst the ever-changing,
hectic flow of modern life,
nature and humans have always
lived close together.
By incorporating plants into
our daily lives,
we spend each and every day
a bit more consciously
and realize the importance of
embracing simplicity.
Now is the time,
Botanical Lifestyle.

Live in

Live life simply. Rid it of unnecessary things.
Take in scenery for its natural beauty.
The magnificence that nature holds liberates people by the slow passage of time.
In order to live a fulfilling life, nature provides us with affluence that cannot be obtained by objects.

To live in harmony with nature and plants. This will remind you to take back your natural radiance.

The power of 
plants for 
modern times.

Products that fit the "us" of now.
We continue to pursue the perfect balance of the abundance of plants and science.

A pleasant aroma, feels great to use, and a simple design.
A product which is carefully crafted in every detail, to help support the freshness and wonders of daily life.

Natural radiance,
real joy.

Since BOTANIST's products are made for daily use, they are formulated with carefully selected plant-derived ingredients that are kind to both people and the earth.

Your daily life will surely be transformed by taking the time to nurture yourself, powered by the essential fulfillment of being in touch with plants.